Aphelios is buffed in 11.13 patch note.
Passive bonus damage and lethality increased.
"Our 11.12 buffs to Aphelios steered him in the right direction, but cost him more power in Elite play than we'd hoped, leaving him weaker overall. This means he could use another push forward, so we're adding some oomph to benefit all players across skill levels by boosting his less popular rankups."
Passive - The Hitman and The Seer
Bonus damage : 4/8/12/16/20/24 (Q rank 1-6) -> 5/10/15/20/25/30 (Q rank 1-6)
Lethality : 3.5/7/10.5/14/17.5/21 (E rank 1-6) -> 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27 (E rank 1-6)
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